| [ No spaces when typing in names: "-copy barack obama . ." becomes "-clone barackobama.." | | Commands | | | |||||||||||||||||| Manipulation | | - .me | [Changes the bot's location to yours] | - -me | [Makes the bot a clone of you] [Requires Admin/Trusted] | - .r | [Moves the bot right] | - .u | [Moves the bot up] | - .l | [Moves the bot left] | - :x (End the sentence with . , !, or ?) | [Makes the bot say a few characters [min char 5] ] | - -copy [username] | [Makes the bot become a splitting image of the named player [Requires TrustedUser] ] | |||||||||||||||||| System | | - .help | [Gives you a link to this page] | - .restart | [Makes the bot go back to the default configuration ['.help' 'explorer 666'] ] | - %restart | [Kills the bot] [Requires Admin] | - .credits | [Gives a list of credits] | - .version | [Shows the current version] | - .leave | [If you're an editor/admin, it'll make the bot leave] [Requires Admin/Editor] | - %update | [Refreshes the code] | ||||||||||||| Permissions | | - ?isadmin | [Tells you whether you're an admin or not] | - ?istrusted | [Tells you whether you're trusted or not] | - %trust [username] | [Trusts a player] [Requires Admin] | ||||||||||||| Economy | | - .roll | [Rolls a 9 sided die] | - .d | [+1 coin] | - .balance | [Shows you your balance] | X- .transfer [username] [amount] | [Transfers given amount of money to named player] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| | Why? ! I don't know ! | How? ! Node.js and Puppeteer ! |